Saturday, June 27, 2009

Quick Update!

I know there are supposed to be 2 more parts, but I decided I can't write reflectively while I'm here. Also, one of the three parts will be written by Warren, and he keeps refusing to be inspired.

In a 2 1/2 hours, Warren and I will board a plane and leave Pereira. We are going to Cartagena today, and then heading home on July 1st. Parents, if you haven't gotten a call from us by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, our flight is either delayed or there is a problem.

It's sad to leave Pereira, it really is. I've cried, Stella's cried, and Ricky's mom of the Panella farm definitely cried. So did Diana... it's been a sad time.

But the sad times won't last for long... Warren and I have both accepted teaching positions at LPV that begin in January (when their school year begins) and end in November. So hooray! We're coming back! I hope it's okay with you that my posts will continue from Colombia next year, instead of South Korea.

As motivation for getting up at 4:15 a.m., I've decided to write a quick list of all the things I won't miss about Colombia, since the list of what I will miss is quite long and would take at least 3 hours.

1. I won't miss how the water changes from hot to cold in the shower without warning. Or the lack of hot water in the shower, for that matter.
2. I won't miss watching the Simpsons in Spanish.
3. I won't miss the inability to do my own laundry or the lack of a dryer.
4. I definitely won't miss the taxi drivers here. I'm sure their wonderful people, but my inability to speak Spanish frustrates them.
5. I won't miss the Colombians' meat-based diet. Warren will.
6. I won't miss the un-paved roads after it rains.
7. I won't miss the people that try to open the door to the taxis at Exito in return for payment.
8. I won't miss not having my own kitchen.
9. I won't miss the bugs.
10. I repeat, I definitely will not miss the bugs. That includes the moths that fly into my room and drive me crazy, and the mosquitos that insist on biting me frequently.

Basically, everything else and everyone else, I'll miss. At least until January!

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