Sunday, April 18, 2010

Two for One Special!

Hey guys. As you hopefully noticed below, Warren posted today about the first part of our trip to Ecuador. He is going to continue posting this week, so hooray for me not having to!

I'm sorry I made empty promises about updates a few weeks ago. I had a very bad experience with a hotel in Quito. I anonymously reviewed them, but they somehow figured out it was me and found my email in their old reservations. They sent me a truly horrible email that bordered on harassment. It was hurtful and cruel and prejudiced to the extreme. I was upset about it for days.

I don't normally review the places where I stay, but this place promised all sorts of things on its website and didn't have any of them: specifically, hot water, clean rooms, a quiet night's sleep, and free laundry. It also had a terrible breakfast and the entire place smelled like fish sticks. We left after 3 days because it was so horrible. It is absolutely the worst place I have ever stayed.

So my review, which was honest and completely true, upset them. The owner responded by calling me a stupid American and blaming the Iraq war and all the other problems in the world on me. She said she was disgusted by my behavior and called me a liar who never traveled and expected the whole world to be like the U.S. She also told me that if I spoke Spanish I wouldn't have had any problems. FYI, I spoke in Spanish to almost every person working at the hostel, and I had been very proud of myself for communicating in my developing second language.

Basically, I was hurt. I had my review removed and I told the woman to never contact me again. But that didn't make her words any less painful.

Although it may seem ridiculous, that's why I haven't posted in 2 weeks. At first, I was too upset and couldn't even bring myself to think about our trip. Since I had promised to write about Ecuador, I didn't want to just start writing about something else. Then I felt guilty about not blogging in so long... and well, I guess I never got beyond it.

So, Warren is going to blog about Ecuador, and I'm not. I might post some photos though--it really was a good trip, and I just need to get over that nasty email.


  1. The fact is, you've probably been more places than the hostel owner has in her entire life. Please don't let her prejudice get to you. You know you are better than that! I liked hearing about Ecuador. Can't wait to see photos!

  2. Rude people are part of growing up. Trust me it will not be the last person that insults you.

  3. I suppose, but that doesn't make it better.


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